Awesome Way to Start the Day!

Hello loves! I had the wonderful fortune of starting the day leading the Sunday REST Room call! It’s amazing how that kicks of such openness. I got to follow it up by facilitating a Living Inquiries session, which uses resting as its base, so I feel as well (or as friendly in the body, I could say), as I’ve felt in days. Highly recommended!

If you would like a recording of today’s 45 minute guided resting call, you can register at this link as if you were signing up for the call, and I will email you the recording link.

Wishing you all a sweet evening. The calls are great at bedtime too.

Love, love!


This is How Magic is Done

I love to listen to this little minute and a half snippet of Terrence McKenna.

“Dream the impossible dream, and the world will not grind you up. It will life you up . . .

This is how magic is done. It’s by hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering that it’s a feather bed.”

And do I meet some fears when I hear that? Sure. But what are those fears, actually? This is worth examining and exploring. For me, it shows up in a sensation across my chest. Is that, in and of itself, fear? Does that sensation, in and of itself, tell me not to leap? Not to follow the instinct of the moment?

I rest and look. And guess what: no command not to follow the instinct. No order. Just quiet and sensation.

This path that I’ve been walking for years, and more publicly since I began this blog, is in such contrast to the conditioning that I not only grew up around but that I still see around me today, depending on where I look and with whom I speak. So there’s a diligence necessary, and a loyalty.

What are you loyal to today? And what do you have to feel and face to maintain that loyalty? Do you dare? Do you dare NOT to?

Love you and with you, though each of us must take each step of our own volition.

“And if you go, no one may follow. That path is for your steps alone.”
– Robert Hunter

150th Rest Post

I wanted to be brilliant today.
150th post. Restful genius.
Writing about art, about life, about love,
about rest . . .
I am here, writing.
I feel wiped out, tired, quiet, contemplative, sad.
Well, those are words. Feelings are feeling as they do.
My Pandora is on shuffle and is playing O Come, All Ye Faithful.
I feel like crying, sleeping, lying down, inquiring, and maybe getting some lunch.
Yeah, I think lying down might win.
Maybe if I take a nap, my house elf will show up with some lunch.

Resting is Not Escaping

. . . although I am about to lie down . . .

but that’s not escaping either.

This morning I was standing in the kitchen getting ready to go to my acupuncture appointment, and I noticed I was feeling some sensations and maybe having some thoughts of the not-so-comfortable ilk. I noticed also a slight turning away or an idea that if I could rest, they would go away.

But I also know that resting isn’t about escaping. More, it’s a turning toward. Easing toward, you might say. Opening toward. Opening period. Resting.

Simply opening (in the body and in the mind) to make room for whatever’s coming through. Pausing the strategies for a moment. Pausing for a moment to exhale and inhale and exhale again.

The paradox is that things do pass when we turn toward and rest with them. Not always immediately, but sometimes. And often without a trace. Which seems impossible to the body/mind when it’s all bundled up in how serious something is (how wrong we are, how wrong they are, how wrong the moment is, etc.). But try it out. What happens to those thoughts and feelings if we gently open and turn toward them, simply letting them come all the way through?

See for yourself, and give rest a try.




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If you feel inspired to make a donation in any amount to support this ongoing exploration and encouragement,

click here. Thank you. ❤

Resting and Riding my Unique Waves

Trusting rest doesn’t mean that feelings don’t come. They most certainly do. Rest (and gently inquiring) give us the opportunities to meet all of this without being in the mega storm of the mind all the time. We get to have all of our thoughts in completeness, but we don’t have to add on to them. We can simply see them, express them, be with them. There’s nothing that needs to be done with our opinions, sensations, angers, worries. They come. They come and they go. I am thankful to the core for creative expression and inquiry, mediation, movement and rest, in how they both allow an outpouring of the thoughts/feelings/images that are there without having any discussion to encourage their further delusion or to disagree with them with another list of here’s why’s. I like to be alone for this quietness, or with a friend who will laugh along with me at the meaninglessness of it all. ❤

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Join me Sunday for an hour of facilitated resting and gently allowing everything to be as it is. Register here.