
successThis morning when I was writing my Morning Pages and feeling sleepy, I told myself that I’d lie down during the day for 20 minutes, and I did!

I have had a very full few days and they promise to go on like that for a spell. This day has been really cool and busy and even included a walk in my favorite close-by state park with a friend whose office backs up to one of the park’s trails — all because I gave a friend a lift to the airport this morning and the park is near there. I had actually put on my to-do list last night, “McKinney Moment.” The park is called McKinney Falls. I love myself!

It felt soooo good to be in bed. I kept getting these jolt-like impulses to get up and keep doing the many things on my list. I was feeling like I could. I was feeling ready to. But I rested instead. I felt the feelings and noticed the images were coming through and let them all pass. I did a quick look for a command not to rest (none). I noticed how tense a lot of my body was until I noticed it, and I sank further down into the pillows.

I felt the luxurious goodness of fresh, white, high quality sheets. I saw trees out the windows. I rested. I picked up my phone once or twice, I admit. And then I set the timer and put it back down.

Lying down in the daytime = success!

More and more, trusting rest.


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