Resting IS a Better Feeling Thought

Here it is, about to hit midnight GMT, rolling into 2015. I’m over in Texas, coming up on 6 pm. I have the Good Old Grateful Dead playing quietly and I’ve had a sweet day. I woke up this morning in a bit of an emotional zone that I wasn’t too keen on having all day. I mean, didn’t I do that already on Christmas?

But I’ve been true to myself all day, and it’s been working out swell. (Swell-ly?)

Today I had an insight about resting that goes hand in hand with affirmations and Law of Attraction.

I’ve been listening to a lot of Louise Hay the last few days. And I like to listen to some Abraham from time to time. The notion of finding a better feeling thought comes up a lot in these talks.

It is absolutely necessary, when making an affirmation, not to add new words on top of disbelief or not feeling so well (might as well be lip service, and if you know me well, you know that lip service is one of my biggest pet peeves). Rather, it’s important to have a moment to acknowledge and make space for the fullness of the moment’s experience. From that allowing, an opening can occur. And from that relaxation, there’s room to create something fresh.

So if I’m having a sad or frustrated thought, best to rest a moment before trying to add something better-feeling on top of it. Rest right into the fullness of the moment. Let the thought/s come all the way through. and make room for the sensations to be felt and to move. Then let the mind and body rest.

My insight was this: taking short moments of rest is finding a better thought, as we hear about in Law of Attraction.


Take a rest!

It happened to me today. I was in the loo and had an angsty thought. Instead of immediately reaching (flailing) to find something fresh to add on top (which I considered doing, but I could tell that it wouldn’t have been open and authentic), I simply rested. I came right into the moment. I exhaled. I let my body open to all of the sensations that were coming through. I let the thought come to completion. I looked down at my feet and saw the color of my toe nail polish against the orange of my flip flops. I heard the sound of the heater running. I rested. My body relaxed along with my mind, and, suddenly there was no need to reach for anything that felt better. All was quiet and easy.

Had I felt inspired to come up with an intention or affirmation to further whatever my thought train was, that might have been a good time to do it, but, ultimately, it’s that restful, quiet, open, receptive space that I’m interested in, no matter what it is I seem to be flailing for on the outside.

It’s this better feeling that we’re going for anyway, rather than the content of the words, though they may be useful and inspiring pointers when used skillfully and with a thoughtful and authentic touch.

I’m not here to say affirm or don’t. I’m here to say: rest. Make space. Let everything come all the way through and come into the present fully for a few seconds. Then see if you need to fill in the blanks.

I love you! Happiest and Healthiest New Year to All!

If there’s anything I can do for you to encourage rest and creativity in the New Year, by all means, contact me!

Aloha ~



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